Monday, August 8, 2011

goodbye summer vacation hello 1st grade

found here

goodbye mornings to sleep in and nights of staying up late
it has been nice knowing your freedom and we have become quite set in your ways
hello alarm clocks, uniforms and homework

this week is prep time for back to school
we need to pick up all those supplies on the list
decide on what uniform pieces will be the best for the year
no favorites to create any complications in the morning
many pieces of the same thing so there is no fussing and fighting
because her favorite isn't clean

one short week left and its time to practice having a schedule again (insert frowny face)

I remember last year and how apprehensive I was
with big girl school starting for the first time ever
but things went incredibly smoothly and quickly
I was concerned with the limited number of absences allowed
and when all said and done she only missed ONE day
if you can believe that 

>>---> goodbye summertime freedoms hello school year schedules <---<<

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